2024-11-26 4
After over a decade in business we regret to inforM you that AlphaRacks is oFFicially closing its doors. Given the recent outage that exceeded the provisions and financial capabilities of our disaster recovery plan, AlphaRacks will no longer be providing services. We were a budget focused vps provider, which did not leave room for additional options financially within our disaster recovery plans.
We have contacted various different VPS hosting companies to attempt to establish a transfer agreement that is in accordance to our privacy policy. In addition, some of the below providers have reached out to us offering assistance / credit for our customers.
We would like to thank our customers for a great decade of your Business and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
AlphaRacks Management.
AD: 【一个萌萌哒广告位】 FUNcdn真正亚洲优化CDN,电信CN2 / 联通CU / 移动CM A+级频宽高速接驳。 未经允许不得转载: 主机资讯-VPS商家前沿资讯 » 四大金刚覆灭,AlphaRacks正式宣布跑路!
2024-11-26 4
Softbank到中国联通已经炸了有大半年了(最近电信也炸了),目前根据搬瓦工方面的消息,软银预计将在2024年2月完成修复。 Hello,...
2024-11-26 2
2023年3月29日起腾讯云将调整所有海外轻量应用服务器套餐配置和价格。 一、香港轻量应用服务器通用型实例将全面取消,低价香港轻量服务器将不复存...
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微林是一个为开发者而生的小众云服务平台,成立于2014年,特色是提供 vxTrans 流量优化服务(L4)、Pivot 超导中枢服务(Link/Frp...
2024-11-26 2
PS:继OneinStack一键包被投毒事件后,LNMP.ORG军哥的一键包也被投毒,如有使用该程序的站长和企业请立即排查是否中招。 事件公告...
2024-11-26 1
在 2022 年 NAB 展会流媒体峰会上,Google 宣布 (https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/net...
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根据主机资讯掌握的最新情报,DMIT 可能在下一代后台面板升级后提供VM快照和备份服务。 官方网站:www.dmit.io 由于PVE的设...
2024-11-26 1
3.5、5、10 刀 免费升级为了2核CPU,并且CPU型号由Intel(R Xeon(R CPU E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz 调整...
2024-11-26 1