2024-11-26 5
Our Birthday Week SAle will likely start froM October 16 - October 22. We have already had 7950x nodes ordered, it's taking longer than expected because we were wAIting for 48GB DDR5 ECC UDIMMs to be available (it's 3x more expensive than 48GB DDR5 Non-ECC or 32GB DDR5 ECC UDIMMs though), so we can oFFer more RAM with better price and the motherboard will be Supermicro instead of AsRoCK (better and more expensive). The first locations to have the 7950x will be Tokyo, JP and San Jose, SJC. Hope that we will have them live on the birthday sale. For the 1010 plan (similar to our previous 8888, 9999), they will be powered by EPYC Milan/Rome in almost all locations. See you soon in our biggest sale of the year!
我们的周年庆大促销可能会从10月16日至10月22日开始。 我们已经订购了7950x节点,这比预期的时间要长,因为我们正在等待48GB DDR5 ECC UDIMM的上市(虽然它比48GB DDR5 Non-ECC或32GB DDR5 ECC UDIMM贵3倍),我们会以更好的价格提供更多的RAM,主板将是Supermicro而不是AsRock(更好,更贵)。 第一批拥有7950x的地点将是东京和圣何塞。希望我们能在周年庆大促销上将它们投入使用。 1010计划(类似于我们之前的8888,9999),将使用EPYC Milan/Rome CPU ,在几乎所有的地区 在我们今年最大的促销活动上,期待与您相会。AD: 【一个萌萌哒广告位】 FUNcdn真正亚洲优化CDN,电信CN2 / 联通CU / 移动CM A+级频宽高速接驳。 未经允许不得转载: 主机资讯-VPS商家前沿资讯 » GreenCloudVPS:十周年促销活动预告 greencloudvps 绿云 绿云十周年 绿云服务器
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