./test.sh -f config.conf -v --prefix=/home
-f 为短选项,它需要一个参数,即config.conf, -v也是一个选项,但它不需要参数
–prefix 是一个长选项,即选项本身多于一个字符,它也需要一个参数,用等号连接,当然等号不是必须的,/home可以直接写在–prefix后面,即–prefix=/home
1. 手工处理方式
$0 : ./test.sh,即命令本身,相当于C/C++中的argv[0]
$1 : -f,第一个参数
$2 : config.conf
$3, $4 … :类推。
$# : 参数的个数,不包括命令本身,上例中$#为4.
$@ : 参数本身的列表,也不包括命令本身,如上例为 -f config.conf -v –prefix=/home
$* : 和$@相同,但”$*” 和 “$@”(加引号)并不同,”$*”将所有的参数解释成一个字符串,而”$@”是一个参数数组。如下例所示:
#!/bin/bash for arg in "$*" do echo $arg done echo for arg in "$@" do echo $arg done
$ bash test.sh -f config.conf -v --prefix=/home -f config.conf -v --prefix=/home #这是"$*"的输出 -f #以下为$@的输出 config.conf -v --prefix=/home
所以,手工处理的方式即对这些变量的处理。因为手工处理高度依赖于你在命令行上所传参数的位置,所以一般都只用来处理较简单的参数。如./test.sh 10。而很少使用./test -n 10这种带选项的方式。
2. getopts/getopt
./test.sh -a -b -c : 短选项,各选项不需参数
./test.sh -abc : 短选项,和上一种方法的效果一样,只是将所有的选项写在一起。
./test.sh -a args -b -c :短选项,其中-a需要参数,而-b -c不需参数。
./test.sh –a-long=args –b-long :长选项
#!/bin/bash while getopts "a:bc" arg #选项后面的冒号表示该选项需要参数 do case $arg in a) echo "a's arg:$OPTARG" #参数存在$OPTARG中 ;; b) echo "b" ;; c) echo "c" ;; ?) #当有不认识的选项的时候arg为? echo "unkonw argument" exit 1 ;; esac done
$ bash test.sh -a arg -b -c a's arg:arg b c $ bash test.sh -a arg -bc a's arg:arg b c
#!/bin/bash #-o表示短选项,两个冒号表示该选项有一个可选参数,可选参数必须紧贴选项 #如-carg 而不能是-c arg #--long表示长选项 #"$@"在上面解释过 # -n:出错时的信息 # -- :举一个例子比较好理解: #我们要创建一个名字为 "-f"的目录你会怎么办? # mkdir -f #不成功,因为-f会被mkdir当作选项来解析,这时就可以使用 # mkdir -- -f 这样-f就不会被作为选项。 TEMP=`getopt -o ab:c:: --long a-long,b-long:,c-long:: \ -n 'example.bash' -- "$@"` if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential! #set 会重新排列参数的顺序,也就是改变$1,$2...$n的值,这些值在getopt中重新排列过了 eval set -- "$TEMP" #经过getopt的处理,下面处理具体选项。 while true ; do case "$1" in -a|--a-long) echo "Option a" ; shift ;; -b|--b-long) echo "Option b, argument \`$2'" ; shift 2 ;; -c|--c-long) # c has an optional argument. As we are in quoted mode, # an empty parameter will be generated if its optional # argument is not found. case "$2" in "") echo "Option c, no argument"; shift 2 ;; *) echo "Option c, argument \`$2'" ; shift 2 ;; esac ;; --) shift ; break ;; *) echo "Internal error!" ; exit 1 ;; esac done echo "Remaining arguments:" for arg do echo '--> '"\`$arg'" ; done
$ bash test.sh -a -b arg arg1 -c Option a Option b, argument `arg' Option c, no argument Remaining arguments: --> `arg1'
-a -b arg -c — arg1
3. 举例
#!/bin/bash ###################### proc defination ######################## # ignore rule ignore_init() { # ignore password array_ignore_pwd_length=0 if [ -f ./ignore_pwd ]; then while read IGNORE_PWD do array_ignore_pwd[$array_ignore_pwd_length]=$IGNORE_PWD let array_ignore_pwd_length=$array_ignore_pwd_length+1 done < ./ignore_pwd fi # ignore ip address array_ignore_ip_length=0 if [ -f ./ignore_ip ]; then while read IGNORE_IP do array_ignore_ip[$array_ignore_ip_length]=$IGNORE_IP let array_ignore_ip_length=$array_ignore_ip_length+1 done < ./ignore_ip fi } show_version() { echo "version: 1.0" echo "updated date: 2014-01-09" } show_usage() { echo -e "`printf %-16s "Usage: $0"` [-h|--help]" echo -e "`printf %-16s ` [-v|-V|--version]" echo -e "`printf %-16s ` [-l|--iplist ... ]" echo -e "`printf %-16s ` [-c|--config ... ]" echo -e "`printf %-16s ` [-t|--sshtimeout ... ]" echo -e "`printf %-16s ` [-T|--fttimeout ... ]" echo -e "`printf %-16s ` [-L|--bwlimit ... ]" echo -e "`printf %-16s ` [-n|--ignore]" #echo "ignr_flag: 'ignr'-some ip will be ignored; otherwise-all ip will be handled" } # Default Parameters myIFS=":::" # 配置文件中的分隔符 TOOLDIR=/root/scripts cd $TOOLDIR IPLIST="iplist.txt" # IP列表,格式为IP 端口 用户名 密码 CONFIG_FILE="config.txt" # 命令列表和文件传送配置列表,关键字为com:::和file::: IGNRFLAG="noignr" # 如果置为ignr,则脚本会进行忽略条件的判断 SSHTIMEOUT=100 # 远程命令执行相关操作的超时设定,单位为秒 SCPTIMEOUT=2000 # 文件传送相关操作的超时设定,单位为秒 BWLIMIT=1024000 # 文件传送的带宽限速,单位为kbit/s # 入口参数分析 TEMP=`getopt -o hvVl:c:t:T:L:n --long help,version,iplist:,config:,sshtimeout:,fttimeout:,bwlimit:,ignore -- "$@" 2>/dev/null` [ $? != 0 ] && echo -e "\033[31mERROR: unknown argument! \033[0m\n" && show_usage && exit 1 # 会将符合getopt参数规则的参数摆在前面,其他摆在后面,并在最后面添加-- eval set -- "$TEMP" while : do [ -z "$1" ] && break; case "$1" in -h|--help) show_usage; exit 0 ;; -v|-V|--version) show_version; exit 0 ;; -l|--iplist) IPLIST=$2; shift 2 ;; -c|--config) CONFIG_FILE=$2; shift 2 ;; -t|--sshtimeout) SSHTIMEOUT=$2; shift 2 ;; -T|--fttimeout) SCPTIMEOUT=$2; shift 2 ;; -L|--bwlimit) BWLIMIT=$2; shift 2 ;; -n|--ignore) IGNRFLAG="ignr"; shift ;; --) shift ;; *) echo -e "\033[31mERROR: unknown argument! \033[0m\n" && show_usage && exit 1 ;; esac done ################ main ####################### BEGINDATETIME=`date "+%F %T"` [ ! -f $IPLIST ] && echo -e "\033[31mERROR: iplist \"$IPLIST\" not exists, please check! \033[0m\n" && exit 1 [ ! -f $CONFIG_FILE ] && echo -e "\033[31mERROR: config \"$CONFIG_FILE\" not exists, please check! \033[0m\n" && exit 1 echo echo "You are using:" echo -e "`printf %-16s "\"$CONFIG_FILE\""` ---- as your config" echo -e "`printf %-16s "\"$IPLIST\""` ---- as your iplist" echo -e "`printf %-16s "\"$SSHTIMEOUT\""` ---- as your ssh timeout" echo -e "`printf %-16s "\"$SCPTIMEOUT\""` ---- as your scp timeout" echo -e "`printf %-16s "\"$BWLIMIT\""` ---- as your bwlimit" echo -e "`printf %-16s "\"$IGNRFLAG\""` ---- as your ignore flag" echo [ -f ipnologin.txt ] && rm -f ipnologin.txt IPSEQ=0 while read IP PORT USER PASSWD PASSWD_2ND PASSWD_3RD PASSWD_4TH OTHERS do [ -z "`echo $IP | grep -E '^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}'`" ] && continue [ "`python $TOOLDIR/ckssh.py $IP $PORT`" == 'no' ] && echo "$IP" >> ipnologin.txt && continue let IPSEQ=$IPSEQ+1 # 如果启用了忽略,则进入忽略流程 if [ $IGNRFLAG == "ignr" ]; then ignore_init ignored_flag=0 i=0 while [ $i -lt $array_ignore_pwd_length ] do [ ${PASSWD}x == ${array_ignore_pwd[$i]}x ] && ignored_flag=1 && break let i=$i+1 done [ $ignored_flag -eq 1 ] && continue j=0 while [ $j -lt $array_ignore_ip_length ] do [ ${IP}x == ${array_ignore_ip[$j]}x ] && ignored_flag=1 && break let j=$j+1 done [ $ignored_flag -eq 1 ] && continue fi ####### Try password from here #### for PW in $PASSWD $PASSWD_2ND $PASSWD_3RD $PASSWD_4TH do PASSWD_USE=$PW $TOOLDIR/ssh.exp $IP $USER $PW $PORT true $SSHTIMEOUT [ $? -eq 0 ] && PASSWD_USE=$PW && break done # 针对一个$IP,执行配置文件中的一整套操作 while read eachline do # 必须以com或file开头 [ -z "`echo $eachline | grep -E '^com|^file'`" ] && continue myKEYWORD=`echo $eachline | awk -F"$myIFS" '{ print $1 }'` myCONFIGLINE=`echo $eachline | awk -F"$myIFS" '{ print $2 }'` # 对配置文件中的预定义的可扩展特殊字符串进行扩展 # 关键字#IP#,用$IP进行替换 if [ ! -z "`echo "$myCONFIGLINE" | grep '#IP#'`" ]; then myCONFIGLINE_temp=`echo $myCONFIGLINE | sed "s/#IP#/$IP/g"` myCONFIGLINE=$myCONFIGLINE_temp fi # 时间相关关键字,用当前时间进行替换 if [ ! -z "`echo "$myCONFIGLINE" | grep '#YYYY#'`" ]; then myYEAR=`date +%Y` myCONFIGLINE_temp=`echo $myCONFIGLINE | sed "s/#YYYY#/$myYEAR/g"` myCONFIGLINE=$myCONFIGLINE_temp fi if [ ! -z "`echo "$myCONFIGLINE" | grep '#MM#'`" ]; then myMONTH=`date +%m` myCONFIGLINE_temp=`echo $myCONFIGLINE | sed "s/#MM#/$myMONTH/g"` myCONFIGLINE=$myCONFIGLINE_temp fi if [ ! -z "`echo "$myCONFIGLINE" | grep '#DD#'`" ]; then myDATE=`date +%d` myCONFIGLINE_temp=`echo $myCONFIGLINE | sed "s/#DD#/$myDATE/g"` myCONFIGLINE=$myCONFIGLINE_temp fi if [ ! -z "`echo "$myCONFIGLINE" | grep '#hh#'`" ]; then myHOUR=`date +%H` myCONFIGLINE_temp=`echo $myCONFIGLINE | sed "s/#hh#/$myHOUR/g"` myCONFIGLINE=$myCONFIGLINE_temp fi if [ ! -z "`echo "$myCONFIGLINE" | grep '#mm#'`" ]; then myMINUTE=`date +%M` myCONFIGLINE_temp=`echo $myCONFIGLINE | sed "s/#mm#/$myMINUTE/g"` myCONFIGLINE=$myCONFIGLINE_temp fi if [ ! -z "`echo "$myCONFIGLINE" | grep '#ss#'`" ]; then mySECOND=`date +%S` myCONFIGLINE_temp=`echo $myCONFIGLINE | sed "s/#ss#/$mySECOND/g"` myCONFIGLINE=$myCONFIGLINE_temp fi # IPSEQ关键字,用当前IP的序列号替换,从1开始 if [ ! -z "`echo "$myCONFIGLINE" | grep '#IPSEQ#'`" ]; then myCONFIGLINE_temp=`echo $myCONFIGLINE | sed "s/#IPSEQ#/$IPSEQ/g"` myCONFIGLINE=$myCONFIGLINE_temp fi # 配置文件中有关键字file:::,就调用scp.exp进行文件传送 if [ "$myKEYWORD"x == "file"x ]; then SOURCEFILE=`echo $myCONFIGLINE | awk '{ print $1 }'` DESTDIR=`echo $myCONFIGLINE | awk '{ print $2 }'` DIRECTION=`echo $myCONFIGLINE | awk '{ print $3 }'` $TOOLDIR/scp.exp $IP $USER $PASSWD_USE $PORT $SOURCEFILE $DESTDIR $DIRECTION $BWLIMIT $SCPTIMEOUT [ $? -ne 0 ] && echo -e "\033[31mSCP Try Out All Password Failed\033[0m\n" # 配置文件中有关键字com:::,就调用ssh.exp进行远程命令执行 elif [ "$myKEYWORD"x == "com"x ]; then $TOOLDIR/ssh.exp $IP $USER $PASSWD_USE $PORT "${myCONFIGLINE}" $SSHTIMEOUT [ $? -ne 0 ] && echo -e "\033[31mSSH Try Out All Password Failed\033[0m\n" else echo "ERROR: configuration wrong! [$eachline] " echo " where KEYWORD should not be [$myKEYWORD], but 'com' or 'file'" echo " if you dont want to run it, you can comment it with '#'" echo "" exit fi done < $CONFIG_FILE done < $IPLIST ENDDATETIME=`date "+%F %T"` echo "$BEGINDATETIME -- $ENDDATETIME" echo "$0 $* --excutes over!" exit 0标签: linux 运维教程