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- zabbix 3.2.2 正式发布
zabbix 3.2.2 正式发布
发布日期:2017-04-03 修复了大量的BUG New Features and Improvements
- [ZBXNEXT-3451] improved nested host group selection, added data sorting in multiselect and added ‘*’ support in group names
- [ZBXNEXT-3425] implemented more compact problem view in triggers list, event details and history of events
- [ZBXNEXT-2010] added vmware.hv.datastore.size keys for VMware datastore capacity monitoring
- [ZBXNEXT-1859] improved performance by not inserting events of auto registration if no such action was enabled, insert/update/select in a bulk on auto registration data from proxy
- [ZBXNEXT-3487] added new key for virtual memory monitoring on Windows
- [ZBXNEXT-3457] added support of user macros for trigger tags; dropped forward slash restriction in “Tag name” and “Tag for matching”
- [ZBX-10694] added rollup health sensor item to vmware hypervisor template
- [ZBXNEXT-2969] added support for suffixed and negative trigger function parameters
:: Bug Fixes
- [ZBX-11509] fixed system.run command parameter to be quoted only if it contains special characters
- [ZBX-4661] fixed possible crash when Oracle database is not available
- [ZBX-11397] fixed security best practices violation (TOCTOU) warning
- [ZBX-11359] fixed event acknowledgement in triggers list view when last event is a recovery event
- [ZBX-11445] fixed update of item host interface from items massupdate form
- [ZBX-10531] fixed IE not displaying color picker
- [ZBX-11521] fixed JS error in media popup
- [ZBX-11440] fixed memory leak when resolving simple macros
- [ZBX-11397] fixed system.hw.chassis key to read DMI tables through sysfs and fall back to /dev/mem only if sysfs is not available
- [ZBX-11411] added check for LLD macro values in calculated item formula to be numeric
- [ZBX-11454] fixed OK event not updating trigger state without open problems
- [ZBX-11483] improved API script.execute validation
- [ZBX-11347] fixed resolving of {HOST.IP}, {HOST.DNS} and {HOST.CONN} macros in item key parameters for items without interface
- [ZBX-11475] fixed copying sharing properties while cloning screen or network maps
- [ZBX-9781] changed vfs.fs.size, vfs.fs.inode checks to be executed in separate process/thread to avoid lockup with stale NFS mounts
- [ZBX-11357] implemented exporting and importing of triggers and graphs when they use web items
- [ZBX-11195] fixed icon mapping visual issues in edit form
- [ZBX-11390] fixed error hint displaying
- [ZBX-11246] added disabled “delete” button for edit forms of templated item, item prototype, web scenario and discovery rule
- [ZBX-11223] rewritten calculated item formula parsing, simple macro parsing and LLD macro parsing; fixed several problems with function parsing
- [ZBX-11121] disallowed leaving user without linked user groups with usergroup.update, usergroup.massupdate, usergroup.delete API methods
- [ZBX-9926] fixed displaying of LLD graphs in host screens if user has no rights to Templates group
- [ZBX-11149] added support of OpenSSL 1.1.0
- [ZBX-11191] fixed web scenarios not updating step items when giving only “applicationid” and steps with “httpstepid” properties
- [ZBX-11191] fixed updating templated web scenario steps by prohibiting to directly change the step name or giving different amount of steps than in template
- [ZBX-11191] improved web scenario step validation by adding required fields
- [ZBX-11292] fixed getting network interface statistics on Oracle Solaris 10/11
- [ZBX-11125] prohibited zero in first parameter of nodata() trigger function
- [ZBX-11349] removed possibility to create items, triggers and graphs with empty names after low level discovery macro substitution
- [ZBX-11310] fixed event tag conditions checking, that contains operator ‘not like’ or ‘<>’ in events without tags
- [ZBX-11244] fixed parsing of JSON text when PHP is compiled without JSON library
- [ZBX-11219] renamed second argument for net.dns and net.dns.record items from “zone” to “name”
- [ZBX-8457] fixed user macro resolving for templated host and templates
- [ZBX-11367] fixed xml import when non-snmp interfaces have incorrect parameter “bulk”
- [ZBX-10388] removed duplicated data and reduced traffic for hint popups
- [ZBX-11331] fixed JS error in Configuration->Discovery edit page
- [ZBX-10906] fixed agent active checks being delayed if system time was pushed back
- [ZBX-11324] fixed undefined index in screen and map import pages
- [ZBX-11038] removed compression for the generated CSS files, added “sass” folder to the distribution archive
- [ZBX-11335] added MariaDB database support when compiling with –with-mysql configuration option; thanks to Dmitry Smirnov for patch
- [ZBX-11122] fixed comparisons between signed and unsigned integer expressions to eliminate build warnings
- [ZBX-11326] fixed processing of web monitoring scenario level variables
- [ZBX-10842] fixed sql error when updating httptest with applicationid and without httpstepid parameters
- [ZBX-10842] prevented disappearing of step items when updating httptest without applicationid, httpstepid parameters
- [ZBX-10842] fixed connecting web scenario applicationid to created steps when updating with API httptest.update mehtod
- [ZBX-9656] prevented updating comments for discovered triggers
- [ZBX-11221] fixed MySQL connection issue by overriding user defined auto commit setting
- [ZBX-11291] fixed LLD rule not validating “lifetime” field
- [ZBX-11329] fixed host scripts pop-up menu not being displayed in Monitoring -> Problems section
- [ZBX-11209] fixed visual bugs in various browsers
- [ZBX-10958] fixed displaying of user name for inaccessible users; fixed warnings in PHPUnit test; fixed undefined offsets in screen “Action logs”
- [ZBX-11091] fixed parsing of XML file which contains tag with attributes but without child tags; it could cause significant memeory leak
- [ZBX-10694] reverted hypervisor health status to HostSystem.overallStatus property
- [ZBX-11276] removed extra double quotes in host interface form
- [ZBX-11256] synchronized the trigger wizzard form with trigger edit form changes
- [ZBX-11300] fixed variable used in forecast function
- [ZBX-11146] fixed validation of item update interval 0
- [ZBX-11021] fixed discoverer to log that it has started before SNMP library initialization
- [ZBX-11213] fixed database monitoring keys
上一篇:Access denied.Your are logged in as guest zabbix无法进入登陆界面(87)
下一篇:Percona-5.7.15 二进制版安装以及启动
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