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Logtash-Forwarder 迁移到 Filebeat

2024-11-19 7 0条评论
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Logtash-Forwarder 迁移到 Filebeat




  • 对配置文件格式进行了重组,从JSON转换为YAML。
  • 对存储当前读取文件的状态的registry file被改变。
  • 命令行选项被删除并移到配置文件中。
  • 输出的配置选项从libbeat继承。
  • Logstash必须使用一种新的输入插件。



Logstash 需要安装一个新的输入插件 logstash-input-beats。在Logstash 1.5.x版本和2.x版本,该插件可以与 Logstash-Forwarder 所使用的插件logstash-input-lumberjack 并行加载。


Registry File

Registry File存储了Filbeat最后一次读的位置和状态。在Logstash-Forwarder被称为.logstash-fowarder(位于/var/lib/logstash-forwarder/.logstash-forwarder)。对于Filebeat需要将其重命名为 .filebeat。



Logstash-Forwarder 配置文件中的”files”部分转变成Filebeat配置文件中的”prospectors”部分。如:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23    # The list of files configurations    “files” : [      # An array of hashes. Each hash tells what paths to watch and      # what fields to annotate on events from those paths.      {        “paths” : [          “/var/log/messages” ,          “/var/log/*.log”        ] ,        # A dictionary of fields to annotate on each event.        “fields” : { “type” : “syslog” }      } , {        # A path of “-” means stdin.        “paths” : [ “-“ ] ,        “fields” : { “type” : “stdin” }      } , {        “paths” : [          “/var/log/apache/httpd-*.log”        ] ,        “fields” : { “type” : “apache” }      }    ]


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 filebeat :    # List of prospectors to fetch data.    prospectors :      # Each – is a prospector. Below are the prospector specific configurations             paths :          / var / log / messages          “/var/log/*.log”             paths :          “-“        input_type : stdin        document_type : stdin             paths :          “/var/log/apache/httpd-*.log”        document_type : apache





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 # The network section covers network configuration    “network” : {      # A list of downstream servers listening for our messages.      # logstash-forwarder will pick one at random and only switch if      # the selected one appears to be dead or unresponsive      “servers” : [ “trustauth.cn:5043” ] ,      # The path to your client ssl certificate (optional)      “ssl certificate” : “./logstash-forwarder.crt” ,      # The path to your client ssl key (optional)      “ssl key” : “./logstash-forwarder.key” ,      # The path to your trusted ssl CA file. This is used      # to authenticate your downstream server.      “ssl ca” : “./logstash-forwarder.crt” ,      # Network timeout in seconds. This is most important for      # logstash-forwarder determining whether to stop waiting for an      # acknowledgement from the downstream server. If an timeout is reached,      # logstash-forwarder will assume the connection or server is bad and      # will connect to a server chosen at random from the servers list.      “timeout” : 15    }


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 output :    logstash :      enabled : true      # The list of downstream Logstash servers.      hosts :        trustauth.cn : 5043      tls :        # The path to your SSL client certificate.        certificate : . / logstash forwarder . crt        # The path to your SSL client certificate key.        certificate_key : . / logstash forwarder . key        # The path to your trusted SSL CA file. This is used        # to authenticate your downstream server.        certificate_authorities :          . / logstash forwarder . crt        # Network timeout in seconds.        timeout : 15




Config Option Action
deadTime deadTime was renamed to ignoreOlder. In case a file is not changed for ignoreOlder, the file handler will be closed. If the file is changed again after ignoreOlder has passed, it is be reopened.
netTimeout netTimeout was removed as it is replaced by the Timeout option in libbeat.
log-to-syslog andsyslog Both options were removed as logging is part of the libbeat config.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 {    “files” : [      {        “paths” : [          “/var/log/*.log”        ] ,        “fields” : { “type” : “syslog” }      }    ] ,    “network” : {      “servers” : [ “trustauth.cn:5043” ] ,    } }


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 filebeat :    prospectors :             paths :          “/var/log/*.log”        fields :          type : syslog output :    elasticsearch :      enabled : true      hosts : [ “http://trustauth.cn:5043” ]


大部分 logstash-forwarder命令行被删除并移到配置文件中,重命名的命令行选项列表如下:

Command Line Option Config File Option Description
-config -c The config options was split up in two part. The base and required config is linked with -c. Additional config files can be linked as part of the config file. Note: Additional config files must be in a different directory than the main config file.
-config config_dir Path to directory with additional configuration files
-idle-timeout idle_timeout idle_timeout was moved to the config file and removed as flag.
-spool-size spool_size spool_size was moved to the config file and removed as flag.
-harvester-buff-size harvester_buffer_size harvester_buffer_size was moved to the config file and removed as flag. It can now be configured specific for each harvester.
-tail tail_files tail_files was moved to the config file and removed as flag. It can now be configured specific for each prospector.
-cpuProfileFile cpuProfileFile option was removed. The profiling options of libbeat can be used instead. For more details on profiling see https://github.com/elastic/libbeat/issues/122
-quiet The quiet option was removed. Libbeat is used for logging and the libbeat configuration options have to be used.


  1. 一个显着的变化是registry file名称取决于包封装类型:
    .tar.gz 和 .tgz  名称为.filebeat
    DEB 和 RPM 名称为/usr/lib/filebeat/registry
    Windows zip包 名称为c:\ProgramData\filebeat\registry
  2. TLS默认是关闭的
  3. 日志


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下一篇:使用 Vagrant 打造跨平台开发环境


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本文作者:admin 网址:http://news.edns.com/post/113124.html 发布于 2024-11-19
