2019年5月10-11日,互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)将在泰国曼谷召开2019年度“ICANN域名系统研讨会(ICANN DNS \r\nSymposium,IDS)”。诚挚邀请关心域名及互联网安全的产业界及学术界同仁、以及任何对此话题有兴趣的人士参与!
ICANN域名系统研讨会(IDS 2019)
日期:2019年5月10日 - 11日
地点:曼谷香格里拉酒店(Shangri-La Hotel)
第一天的日程将聚焦域名系统滥用(DNS \r\nabuse),包括滥用的测量及应对滥用的最佳运营实践。第二天的日程将讨论标识符技术和协议的最新进展及对域名系统的影响。
第一天 (2019年5月10日)
0900 - 0910 Welcome by Matt Larson
0910 - 1000 Keynote by David Dagon
1000 - 1030 Vittorio Bertola: On DoH Dilemma
1030 - 1100 Andrew Fidler: A UK ISP View on DNS over HTTPS
1100 - 1115 Break
1115 - 1145 Paul Vixie: Benefits and Hazards of Non-Local DNS Resolution
1145 - 1245 Panel: Paul Hoffman "Applications Performing Their Own DNS \r\nResolution"
1245 - 1345 Lunch
1345 - 1415 Alexander Mayrhofer: DNS-Magnitude
1415 - 1445 Phil Roberts: CrypTech Open Source HSM for DNSSEC
1445 - 1515 Fernando López: DNSSEC in Small Linux Devices
1515 - 1530 Break
1530 - 1600 Paul Hoffman: Conversations between Resolvers and the Root
1600 - 1630 Joao Damas: DNS Resolver Centrality
1630 - 1700 Petr Spacek: Client Side Debugging
第二天 (2019年5月11日)
0900 - 0905 Welcome by John Crain
0905 - 0950 Keynote by Stewart Garrick: Lessons Learnt from Avalanche
0950 - 1035 Joe Wein: Domain Reputation Lists as a Tool Against Domain \r\nAbuse
1035 - 1105 Paul Vixie: Building DNS Firewalls with Response Policy Zones
1105 - 1115 Break
1115 - 1145 Jacques Latour: New Security Framework for Home Gateways
1145 - 1215 Maciej Andziński: Anomaly Detection in DNS Traffic
1215 - 1245 Carel Bitter: The Role of Domains and DNS in Large Scale \r\nAbuse
1245 - 1345 Lunch
1345 - 1415 Samaneh Tajalizadehkhoob: ICANN’s Domain Abuse Activity \r\nReporting
1415 - 1445 Bill Woodcock: On the Recent DNS/IMAP Hijacking Campaign
1445 - 1515 Bruce van Nice: Trends in TLD Abuse
1515 - 1545 Carel Bitter: DNS - A Phishing Chokepoint
1545 - 1555 Break
1555 - 1625 Jim Reid: On the Implementation of the EU NIS Directive
1625 - 1700 Session: Future of KSK Rollover